At the Department ofGerontological Home Care and Long-term Care Nursing/ Palliative Care Nursing, we study on various topics related to nursing care of adults/older people with chronic conditions and their families.
One of our major missions is to develop theoretical models to explain the phenomena of human disease, suffering, aging, and taking care of others, grounded on the clinical reality in the Japanese healthcare system. By doing various research projects; we hope to construct a culturally-sensitive knowledge base for the discipline of nursing. Another important mission is to contribute to the quality improvement of nursing care in residential/ home-based care settings.
Currently, we mainly study on chronic conditions such as dementia, cancer, and pain, focusing on residential/home-based long-term care settings. On this web site, we would like to present our various activities at the Department of Gerontological Home Care and Long-term Care Nursing/ Palliative Care Nursing of at the University of Tokyo. We hope you enjoy the content presented here.
Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, PhD, RN